Your result for Which Dwarf from The Hobbit are you?...
Thorin Oakenshield
25% Extroversion, 69% Intuition, 25% Attachment and 53% Organisation!
Congratulations, you are most like THORIN OAKENSHIELD, leader of the Company of Dwarves and heir to the lost throne of Erebor. You are a charismatic and strategic leader, motivated to instigate change. Your quick wit and ability to logically reason and understand systems and strategy help you turn these changes into reality. You set long-term plans to help you accomplish tasks, and can well articulate your intentions to others, gaining you loyal supporters.
Thorin desires to reclaim Erebor and restore his people to their former splendour. You are very driven in achieving your goals, which are typically quite ambitious. While you are a capable leader, you like to be in charge only when it becomes obvious that you are the best person for the job. You are very blunt and decisive in your plans, and can come across as critical or brusque to others who question the pursuit of your goals.
With the weight of his people’s expectations on his shoulders, Thorin often worries about the consequences of failing his quest – the loss of his line, his kingdom, and his people’s hope. You tend to be a bit of a perfectionist, setting especially high standards for yourself and your companions. Once you set a goal, you apply yourself 100% to its achievement. With your mind set so firmly on achieving your ends, you can often forget to consider the point of views of others, and the social cost of your quest.
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